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Literature Text

Hypocrite of Aspect.

The Hypocrite: "One who denies others of x, while having x themself."

Powers: The Hypocrite class usually "denies" others of their (the Hypocrite's) aspect, while actually having the aspect themself. While not always the case, the Hypocrite's aspect may not always effect them right away. A good way of thinking of effect can be the force of Karma; "what goes around comes around", or rather the "kept" aspect eventually comes back to bite them in the ass. An example of this can be used with the Hypocrite of Doom; say the Hypocrite of Doom "denies" the team of misfortune by steering them in the right direction while the Hypocrite can either go down the misfortuous path himself or go with the rest of the team, but eventually have an unfortunate fate befall him for going in the right direction with the team.

Now, the Hypocrite can deny the team of their aspect in more than a few ways. One example can be a direct active denying of the aspect, such as calming one or more members of the team when said team is gushing with highly negative feelings/anger (when the Hypocrite's aspect is Rage). Another example of "denying" the team of the aspect is a more passive approach, like an event indirectly caused by the Hypocrite that causes the rest of the team to lose hope while the Hypocrite himself carries all of the hope for the team (when the aspect is Hope, obviously). Yet another example of denying the aspect can be a slightly more direct but passive approach, such as when the Hypocrite triggers an event that causes the team to have far less time [to get away from an enemy, to prepare for a huge battle, etc.] while the Hypocrite has granted himself far more time (perhaps even more so than actually needed) than the team (who probably needs it).

As mentioned in the examples above, the Hypocrite- depending on his aspect -can either save his team, or screw them over. While the Hypocrite doesn't usually care who gets the benefit, the Hypocrite may either actively try to help his team, despite his seemingly "aspect-stealing" class, or may try to hinder his team. Now, this aspect of the class can and will vary from individual to individual, however despite the Hypocrite's best efforts (occasionally) he may not be able to control the "aspect-stealing" feature of his class. Depending on the aspect of the Hypocrite, respectfully, the effect will either benefit himself and hinder his team or help his team while hindering him. The results of the aspect hindering the Hypocrite can and may end in death (for the Hypocrite). There may even be cases of the Hypocrite's powers over his aspect not actually effect the team or himself.

Passive/Active Scale?: Ehh, this is mainly dependent on the aspect of the Hypocrite class, but... well...depending on the aspect, the Hypocrite can be a somewhat active, somewhat passive class, although I would think that it honestly leans more towards the active side than the passive side. Soo... about a good +3 perhaps?

Gender Orientation: The Hypocrite class can have both males and females in its' ranks, but the class is more commonly occuring in males.

Anything Extra: The Hypocrite would have a hard time with their team even before he reaches God Tier (usually even being "denied" by the team itself when these problems do occur more frequently), especially in the earlier stages of the Game, but this seems to reach a peak after he hits God Tier.

This usually leads to the Hypocrite being a rather large loner for a majority of the Session (depending on how long he has been God Tier for) or he simply goes off and does his own thing for a good majority of the Game- be it either to help or hurt his team. He may keep this up until he is direly needed. At this point, the Hypocrite can choose to either come to his team's aide or ignore their pleas and continue on with doing whatever it is he is doing.

The goal of the Hypocrite is that they are supposed to work with the benefits or hindrances their aspect gives them. A sort of dealing with "you get what you get, and you don't get upset". Another goal of the Hypocrite's is they are to deal with rejection (be it constant or not) either by the team or even someone they know, and "know when" to step in to help, as mentioned in the example above. A good way of thinking of this can be, "Forgive and forget." or even showing kindness when one is treated meanly. You can relate this to the Christian phrases, "When one slaps you, turn the other cheek." and "Love thy neighbor." Even the Golden Rule can be related to this goal.

Really, the Hypocrite doesn't exactly have it easy during his time in his Session.
((I don't have an outfit for the Hypocrite yet, and since I'm so bad with outfits and stuff, I figured it might be best to make a contest for it!

The contest will be open for three weeks (due to my silly little weekends only internet), and the reward is going to be a request (it can be writing piece from me, drawing piece from me, or whatever, although nothing clothy, I can't do those. Or even clay for that matter... ;-; ) for the winner!

There will only be one winner for this contest, and well, uhh, I don't quite know how this really works (since this is my very first contest)...

Uhh, if you want to make an entry, then, uhh, send me a link to your submissions in either the comments or via note, uhh, so... uh, yeah... I mean, I do bookmarks and stuff, too, so...

Oh! The drawing/whatever is going to be in color from me. And as for the God Tier clothing, you can submit digital, and traditional art! Also, this would be preferably in Hero Mode, but y'all can do whatever. ;u; I really hope I covered everything... Uhh... So yeah...

Good luck, y'all!))

((And yes, I know, the information is really sloppy at the end, please pardon that... Uhh, if anyone could help me word it better, then it would much appreciated... ;u; ))
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